How Does Invisalign Work?

How Does Invisalign Work?

Team Invisalign

If you need your teeth straightened but don’t want to wear traditional braces, Invisalign may offer an effective alternative. Using these clear aligners straightens teeth without drawing attention to the mouth. Let’s discuss how the process works and why you may consider this alternative to braces to improve your smile or bite.

Why Choose Invisalign?

Many adults who didn’t receive adequate dental care as children are now improving their smiles and dental health with Invisalign. This alternative to braces is great for teenagers and adults of all ages because the clear aligners are far less obvious than metal or ceramic traditional braces.

Invisalign is often chosen over traditional braces because they are less obvious when you smile or speak. Many patients also appreciate that they can remove the aligners while eating. You don’t have to worry about getting food stuck in the aligners, and the trays are less likely to interfere with your speaking voice than traditional braces.

Finally, it’s easier to care for your teeth when wearing Invisalign trays. Metal braces cover the surface of your teeth and make it more difficult to keep your mouth clean. Removable trays simplify the process.

How Invisalign Works

The Invisalign process starts when your orthodontist creates a mold of your teeth. The mold is a 3D representation of the shape, size, and position of every tooth in your mouth. It is used to create formed plastic trays that you will fit over your teeth daily.

Invisalign aligners are often referred to as trays. They’re shaped and formed to fit your teeth, using the mold created by your orthodontist. New trays are placed every two or three weeks, accounting for changes in the position of your teeth due to the treatment.

When you wear your aligners at least 22 hours every day, they gently alter the position of your teeth. They can push teeth together to correct mild gaps or alter the position of individual teeth to eliminate overlaps or improper positioning.

Invisalign FAQs

How often can you remove Invisalign trays without reducing their effectiveness?

Invisalign trays must stay in place for a minimum of 22 hours every day. Ideally, you will remove your trays only while eating or brushing and flossing your teeth. Anything less than 22 hours a day will impact the effectiveness of the treatment.

Do you have to clean Invisalign trays?

You should rinse your aligners in lukewarm water each time you take them out of your mouth. You can also gently brush them with a soft or ultra-soft toothbrush whenever you brush your teeth. For stain removal and deep cleaning, soaking them for about 30 minutes in lukewarm water and hydrogen peroxide is adequate.

Will Invisalign work for everyone in need of braces?

Invisalign isn’t an effective solution for everyone in need of teeth straightening. The best way to know if you qualify for teeth straightening with Invisalign is to call us and schedule an appointment. Contact us at any of our four convenient locations to request a complimentary consultation:

Iowa City: 319-338-8658

Fairfield: 319-800-9497

Washington: 319-800-9497

Williamsburg: 319-800-9497